updated on 04/01/2016 to use mesosphere docker images

Using docker it’s simple to get a Mesos cluster running on Mac OS X. I’m running Docker 1.9.1 and OS X 10.11.2. We’ll be running Zookeeper 3.4.7 and Mesos 0.24.1 (that’s the version provided by the docker image I’m using for this example).

First we’ll start a Zookeeper server, then a Mesos master and a single Mesos slave.

note: I have satellite internet, so my downloads are throttled after I use the data allowance for the month. I was able to pull a Docker images for Mesos but I kept having issues pulling the Zookeeper so I just downloaded Zookeeper from their website.


After downloading the zookeeper tarball, extract it. Copy the sample configuration file, cp /path/to/zookeeper-3.4.7/conf/zoo_sample.cfg /path/to/zookeeper-3.4.7/zoo.cfg. For now, the default configuration is good enough.

Start the server: /path/to/zookeeper-3.4.7/bin/zkServer.sh

Start Mesos master

On the Mac, Docker is run in a VM, so we have to do some finagling to get the correect IP address for Mesos to use. To start the Mesos master I created a small script:


dockerIp=$(echo $DOCKER_HOST | cut -d '/' -f 3 | cut -d ':' -f 1)
hostIp=$(ipconfig getifaddr en0)

docker run \
-e MESOS_HOSTNAME=$dockerIp \
-e MESOS_IP=$dockerIp \
-e MESOS_ZK=zk://$hostIp:2181/mesos \
--name mesos-master \
--net host \
--restart always \

note: You could optionally pass the -d flag so the container would run in the background.

Start Mesos slave

I also used a script to start the Mesos slave:


dockerIp=$(echo $DOCKER_HOST | cut -d '/' -f 3 | cut -d ':' -f 1)
hostIp=$(ipconfig getifaddr en0)

docker run \
-e MESOS_HOSTNAME=$dockerIp \
-e MESOS_IP=$dockerIp \
-e MESOS_MASTER=zk://$hostIp:2181/mesos \
-v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
--name slave --net host --privileged --restart always \

You can now browse to the Mesos UI. You’ll need to get the IP address of the VM running docker:

bash-3.2$ echo $DOCKER_HOST

In this case, browse to